How to generate quotation

Provide a positive impression to your clients by choosing a quotation as well as an invoice from this wide array of quotation and invoice generator.

This feature is only available to Advance and Enterprise package subscribers.

A. How to generate quotation

The quotation appears in your dashboard. Please log in to your dashboard and follow the steps below.

1. Login to your dashboard

2. Go to Menu > Quotation > Create New

3. When you add a quotation, it will create a new quotation. Fill in the related details and click the “Create New Quotation” button.

4. Below are the details of the elements in the table:

Item Detail
Company Name The name of your client’s company.
Contact Person The name of your client’s contact person.
Company Email Client’s e-mail address. Quotation will be sent here.
Company Address Client’s company address.
Company Phone Client’s company contact number.
Quotation Date Date of quotation.
Quotation Note Note for the quotation. Will be displayed on bottom right of the quotation document.
Item Items for the quotation.

5. Once you’ve successfully created the quotation, you can view the quotation list.


B. Quotation list

1. Go to Menu > Quotation > List

2. This will display all the quotations that you already added in the apps.

3. Below are the details of the elements in the table:

Item Detail
Quotation Number Unique number for the quotation.
Client Name The name of your client.
Total Amount Total amount of the quotation.
Quotation Date Date of quotation.
Status The status of this quotation (Active/Closed).
Quotation URL Click to view the quotation.
Invoices Link to create or view invoices for the respective quotation.
Email Click to send the quotation to client’s e-mail.

Please take note that:

  1. When you click on the quotation number, you’ll see the detail page of the quotation.
  2. When you click on the “View” link under the Quotation URL, you will be directed to the actual quotation page.

C. Quotation page

1. You can either set the Quotation status as Active or Inactive.

2. Below is an example of quotation page:



D. Create new invoice

1. Go to Menu > Quotation > List, refer to ‘Invoices’ and click “View” then click “Create Invoice”.

2. Fill in the related details and click “Create New Invoice”.


E. Invoice List

1. This will display all the invoices that you have already added under the quotation.

2. Below are the details of the elements above:

Item Detail
Invoice Number Unique number of the invoice
Percentage of Quotation Percentage of the total amount from quotation to be paid
Total Amount Total amount to be paid
Status Status of the invoice (Inactive, Pending Payment, Paid)
Invoice URL View the invoice
Email Click to e-mail the invoice to client

3. Below is an example of an invoice: 
