How to Enable Recurring Instalment Payment in payment form?

Learn what is recurring instalment payment and how to activate it.

A. What is recurring instalment?

Recurring instalment is when a large payment amount is divided into smaller payable amounts. For example, let’s say your item is priced at RM7,000, you can divide this into 7 instalments of RM1,000 each. You can also set the payment frequency time and the repetition value accordingly.

B. Adding Product for recurring instalment

Here are the steps on how to setup the product for recurring instalment.

First, you must create the product. Once the product is in the list, you can proceed to set up the recurring payment for selected product.

1. To create the product, go to Navigation > Product > Create New

2. You will see 3 sections there. On the top section, add all related information about your product.

3. The second section is the “Payment Frequency Setting”. Choose “Recurring Instalment”.

4. Choose the preferred details for recurring instalment payment option. There are several “Payment Frequency” options.

5. Next, choose “Repetition” for the product payment.

6. Next, click on “Do not display address or item is self pickup”.

7.  Finally, click “Create Product” when your product is ready to enter the system.

8. Your product for recurring instalment is now in the system.

C. How to cancel a recurring instalment for your customer

1. For the time being, the process to cancel Recurring Instalment must be done manually between by the merchant (and the customer). Below are the steps:

  • Subscribers or customers inform the merchant to stop the recurring payment.
  • Subscribers or customers provide related information to merchant.
  • Merchant will deactivate the recurring payment instalment.

2. To cancel the recurring, go to Navigation > Recurring > Search

3. Select "Recurring Instalment" and fill in your customer’s name and details. Then click "Submit".

4. Click on the customer’s name.

5. Go to "Edit Detail" button at the bottom left of the page.

6. Go to "Stop Recurring" button at the bottom left of the page, and you’re done!


If you have any other inquiries or any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will be glad to assist you. 

Please note:

  • Kindly be informed senangPay recurring payment is not an easy payment option.