How to be a verified merchant of senangPay?

Introducing senangPay Verified Merchants (SVM) badge, merchants can now display their SVM badge on their selling page to allow their customer to view their verification certificate.

A. Why merchants need this badge?

A displayed policy helps protect both merchants and customers in terms of reimbursement and a guarantee to the customers. SVM provides assistance in drafting and creating merchant’s required policy to ensure security and trust on both side of the transactions.

B. How to activate the badge?

1. Login to your dashboard and click on the red button on top to complete/submit all your documents required.

2. You will be redirected to this page and need to update all the required policies.

3. You will get a pop-up notification once you’ve done uploading your documents.

4. Then, you will receive email notifications of approval.

5. Once documents approved, you can activate your VMP badge to your payment form.

6. Upon activation, customer can click on the badge and they will be redirected to merchants verified page. All of the merchant's verified information can be seen there.