Getting started: kedaiweb

Learn more on how kedaiweb provides everything in one place. Selling products, track inventory, customers, agents, shipping and even marketing.

A. Integrating senangPay with kedaiweb

To get started, kedaiweb only needs your Merchant ID and Secret Key.

1. Login to your senangPay to get your Merchant ID and Secret Key

2. Go to Menu > Settings > Profile

3. Scroll down to ‘Shopping Cart Integration Link’ and copy your Merchant ID and Secret Key.

4. Next, login to your kedaiweb dashboard

5. Go to Manage > Store

6. Click “Edit Store”. Scroll down and you will find ‘senangPay Integration‘.


7. Fill in your Merchant ID and Secret Key.

8. Copy Return & Callback URL from your kedaiweb and paste it in your senangPay ‘Shopping Cart Integration Link’ section.

  • The return & Callback URL is already provided by kedaiweb.

9. Then click “Save” in both your kedaiweb and senangPay accounts.

*Click here to watch a video on this tutorial on how to integrate senangPay with kedaiweb*