Getting started: SiteGiant

SiteGiant is one of Malaysia's leading e-commerce shopping cart software solution provider, allowing online sellers to sell effortlessly by syncing products.

A. Integrating senangPay with SiteGiant

1. Login to your senangPay .Go to Menu > Settings > Profile

2. Scroll down to ‘Shopping Cart Integration Link’ 

3. Choose ‘SHA256’ for Hash Type Preference

4. Insert URL below for Return URL:

5. Insert URL below for Callback URL:

6. Insert text below in parameters for Return and Callback URL:

  • &status_id=[TXN_STATUS]&order_id=[ORDER_ID]&transaction_id=[TXN_REF]&msg=[MSG]&hash=[HASH]

7. In case of any breakdown during transaction process, merchants can choose to either read respond and send an email after or ignore the response to avoid getting notification from senangPay. 

More details here.