Enhancement for Recurring Payments through Recurring API

This feature is only applicable for merchants who own a website.

Recurring API is a feature that enhances the functionality and convenience for merchants. This feature specifically focuses on managing recurring payments and offers more flexibility to the merchant.

By enabling this functionality, the merchant will receive timely responses for their three types of actions as in (A), (B) and (C) below. Merchant need to setup the recurring callback URL to receive the responses.

Additionally, if a buyer makes action as in (C), the merchant will also receive the response.

Steps to enable Recurring API:

1. Go to Settings > Profile.


2. Merchant has to set recurring callback URL.


3. Fill the callback URL above.

New Payment Schedule

A. How to enable a new payment schedule (instalment)

Adding a new payment schedule through the senangPay dashboard allows merchants to set up recurring payments for customers at specific intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly or annually. The payment schedule can be customised based on the merchant’s requirements.

1. Go to Recurring > Recurring Instalment List.

2. Click on your customer’s name.

guide-03-1536x400 (1)

3. Click "Edit Detail".


4. Scroll to the bottom and click "Add Schedule".


Response parameters

Parameter Value Details
action ‘new_schedule’ action performed
new_payment_timestamp 1688657245 timestamp value
recurring_id 1554006332 id of recurring
type ‘installment’  
customer_email john@gmail.com customer’s e-mail
hash hash value⇒ hash sha256 of the following string:
hash value

B. How to remove payment schedule (instalment)

To remove specific recurring payment schedules from the system, whether it’s due to customer requests or any other reason, merchant can easily terminate the recurring payment schedule, preventing any further transactions from taking place.

1. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 as shown in (A).

2. Scroll to bottom and click "Cancel Instalment".


Response parameters

Parameter Value Details
action ‘remove_schedule’ action performed
new_payment_timestamp 1688657245 timestamp value
recurring_id 1554006332 id of recurring
type ‘installment’  
customer_email john@gmail.com customer’s e-mail
hash hash value⇒ hash sha256 of the following string:
hash value

C. How to terminate recurring payment

Allows merchants to completely stop any future transactions associated with a particular recurring payment schedule. It can be useful in cases where the merchant wants to discontinue a specific service or if the customer decides to cancel the recurring payment arrangement.

1. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 shown in (A).

2. Scroll to bottom and click on "Stop Recurring".

D. Buyer action for termination

Merchants also have the option to allow buyers to stop future transactions. 

1. Go to Product > List and select your chosen product.

2. Check the "Allow Customer to Terminate Recurring" checkbox.


3. Send this link: https://billing.senangpay.my/ and guide your buyer to login. Go to "Subscription List" or "Instalment List". Select the active product and click "Cancel Subscription Plan".


Response parameters

Parameter Value Details
action ‘terminate’ action performed
new_payment_timestamp 1688657245 timestamp value
recurring_id 1554006332 id of recurring
type ‘installment’ or ‘subscription  
customer_email john@gmail.com customer’s e-mail
hash hash value⇒ hash sha256 of the following string:
hash value